Saturday, November 7, 2009

How is market work?

Market is a place of buyers and sellers meet together in exchange of goods and services. The works of market is that if there is one person gain, the expense will be another people. This is similar to stock market as well, whereby many transactions took place within a second. if the market price is up then consider many will gain. How if the market is fall? cut loss? another people gain by selling faster? Hence, the market system will not let all people gain forever because there is no stock that goes up every moment. . This is true such as if i earn money, then u spend money.

The matter of stock is not about I gain and you loss but rather it is about the timing process that matter. Timing is the most valuable moment in stock trading, whereby if you late to sell will cost you more or you earn lesser. Most of the time we think about the gain, but the problem is about the time when you buy and sell that give you gain.

So, the thought of the day is about what time to buy stock? and the most appropriate answer is nobody know. But what can we do is to study the time and surely after 4 o'clock the price of stock is the same. . all the best Will I Am Chen... GBU

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