Sunday, January 31, 2010

stock pick 1.02.10

kalau menurut adjustment indeks kita IHSG berada di the best performance among ASIA bahkan kayaknya dunia. Ini karena indeks kita gak turun-turun masih menggantung di atas 2600 an. Ini bukan suatu kegembiraan karena indeks kita udah tinggi dan tidak jatuh, karena bagaimanapun indeks kita seharusnya udah 2300 kalau di samakan dengan penurunan hangseng. Jadi siap-siap meluncur dalam waktu yang tidak diharapkan.Kenapa  tidak diharapkan? karena yang tidak diharapkan yang akan terjadi.

Beberapa saham yang udah break the tren seperti CFIN, KLBF, BKSW juga masih bisa uptrend. BKSW kena rumor jadi spekulasi aja deh. MPPA dan MPPA-W masih belum jatuh dan dipertahankan kayaknya bisa naik lagi setelah keluar dari Unusual Market Actitivities. Saham perbankan yang konsisten uptrend adalah BBTN jadi bisa-bisa jadi pilihan investasi, tapi hati-hati koreksi jangka pendek karena stochastic uda overbought.. Saham kapitalisasi besar menurut candle seperti INDF dan ADRO. Di saat indeks (IHSG) tidak mendukung saham second liner menjadi pilihan. Jadi selamat menggoreng, asal jangan digoreng.

Inspirasi hari ini adalah walaupun aku berada di lembah kekelaman Tuhan pasti besertaku. Jikalau segala penjuru ada bandar menyerang, harapan kita pasti hanya pada Tuhan. Jadi jangan takut pada istilah senang lihat orang lain susah, susah lihat orang lain senang dan jangan menggantung harapan pada manusia itulah intinya. Dan juga jangan menyalahkan orang lain karena anda tidak akan berkembang atau tidak akan maju.

Selamat cuan happy trading every day, every opportunity.. Will I Am Chen for smart trader and investors... GBU

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stock pick 29.01.10

indeks di saat hari genting malah mendapat berkah, tapi itulah yang hebat di permainan saham di Indonesia. Bukan masalah aneh atau tidak realistisnya tapi masalah keterbalikan dari analisa yang sepatutnya. Ada banyak pihak yang control harga di balik layar jadi ya daripada menyalahkan mereka (lagi pun gak bersalah karena siapa pun boleh jual dan beli) lebih baik kita berpikir bagaimana memecahkan masalah bandar ini. Itu lebih bermanfaat daripada menyalahkan pada akhirnya toh cut loss juga kita.

IHSG walaupun berhasil menanjak tinggi hari tapi masih dalam down trend dan belum dalam zona aman jadi harus berhati-hati koreksi yang akan terjadi hari ini.

Ok selain inspirasi, saham yang perlu dipertimbangkan hari ini adalah MLPL, KLBF yang udah break all high dan berada dalam uptrend tapi hati-hati terhadap koreksi. Saham berdasarkan candle adalah saham berupa HEXA, SGRO, dan UNTR. PGAS berhasil melewati zona genting dan sekarang berada di zona uptrend kembali dan ELSA konfirmasi buy. Semoga berhasil cuan terus. . All the best .. Will I Am Chen...GBU

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

stock pick 28.01.10 Menunggu lampu hijau

Tiap hari terasa panas, cuaca panas, suhu politik memanas, ditambah demonstrasi yang panas hari ini, lalu saham pun ikut-ikutan memanas juga. Panas dalam arti tiap hari indeks kita turun terus dan terasa panas atau terbakar rasanya. Hari ini adalah hari demon maksud saya demonstrasi dari kata demon kalau demon mengamuk hari ini maka saham akan terpanggang kayak masuk neraka rasanya ha...Kita doakan agar suasana besok asri, segar, hijau terutama saham karna sudah lama gak keliatan hijau ha... tanam pohon deh...

Oh saham tidak dipilih hari ini adalah saham bakrie seperti DEWA, BNBR, BUMI karena penurunan yang menunjukkan trend yang sedang menurun dan candlestick yang tidak bagus. Untuk saham PGAS masih memerlukan konfirmasi apakah bearish atau pada line support di 3675 kalau break ya jual j si PGAS.

Saham yang bisa dilirik seperti saham seperti ELSA karena candlenya menunjukkan Bullish Meeting Line Pattern. Bullish Meeting Line Pattern adalah candle yang downtrend pada awalnya dan kemudian muncul candle putih dimana candle putihnya yang paling atas berada di candle hitam sebelumnya yang paling bawah. Tapi perlu konfirmasi dan tingkat keakuratannya adalah sedang. Saham lain adalah UNTR karena groupnya seperti ASII sudah mulai merangkak naek.

Sekian dulu selamat mendapat inspirasi dan biarlah yang udah dipilih melanjutkan tugasnya daripada mengulang pembangunan dari awal kembali... Will I Am Chen... GBU

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bearish Dark Cloud

Bearish Dark Cloud, as the word indicate a bear means downtrend. It indicated that a particular stock will start to drop from today. Bearish Dark Cloud Cover showing with the last two candles of long white then accompany with black candle fall more than the mid of white candle. This reliability is high means strong indication there is a reversal point from upward to downward. However, it needs one confirmation for tomorrow, if tomorrow is black candle then confirm drop.

This signal indication showing an upward point for a few days then suddenly cover by black cloud more than half of the previous white candle. And it means red alert for particular stock or high level of reliability.

This pattern shown on PGAS stock today as the stock yesterday showing a white and being cover by black candle or dark cloud more than half of yesterday white cloud. Additionally PGAS stock within its trendline of support then if drop tomorrow, it means dark cloud covering and will bearish, which is also a break from support and will continue to drop from trend line. Two technical will confirm it will be bad for the day and produce downtrend. However, if tomorrow stock rebound, it will at least clear the dark cloud and continue at its support trend line and will produce bullish than bearish. (Look at the chart below for better picture)

All the best from learning technical today so lets hope bandar, terroris, and mafia will lift it up from darkness. I am William Chen for smart traders and investors, lets learn the most skills in life... All the best Will I Am Chen... GBU

Stock pick 27.01.10

Wah bearish all the time . . What ever happen is already happen and cannot be changed anymore so forget the past, let it go, see future rainbow, and surely it will be better next time. You are not lose not even loser, you gain more experience is what I know. Hmm.. today rebound then..

Unexpectedly IHSG not rebound for today. And the bad news is that PGAS candle showing a Bearish Dark Cloud Cover and need for confirmation tomorrow, but according to trend line it almost touch the support bottom so just wait for confirmation. Some stock that break upward point like MPPA and MLPL can be eyed for but becareful for correction. Another like ITMG (accumulated again from downward by foreign) and ASII.

All the best Will I Am Chen... GBU

Monday, January 25, 2010

Stock pick 26.01.10

Wah indexs below 2600 means sell everything for today. Additionally foreigners have sold around Rp 2 trillions. However, the process is not so simple what i think index will rebound at least for a day today and I think index will be a bit higher than 2600 today. The reason is due to many days down and it will breath or up at least one day.

Stock to collect will be still on PGAS, DEWA, TINS, ANTM, MPPA (break all the time high and will go even upward, good idea buy and hold). And becareful on DOID and there is signal of bearish did not identified at 17
Ok then all the best for today and dont forget index is downtrend although big possibility to rebound. Will I Am Chen... GBU

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bullish Engulfing Pattern

Bullish engulfing pattern showing signal of bullish in the next couple day or reversal from previously downtrend with medium level. The characteristic of Bullish Engulfing is firstly we have to know the stock is in downtrend for many days. After that we should check whether it is a white candle stick apart of before black candle stick. It means black candle yesterday and today white candle. The white candle stick should be longer than before, or the black candle before should be shorter the white. The black candle is engulf by the white candle means there is a strong buy and diminishing its power of downtrend. However, this is only medium level and next confirmation should be white candle too.

Look at ENRG chart below indicate that the stock was in downtrend for many days with black, long black, doji, and small black candle but last friday showing a long white candle, I mean longer than before and before is in the mid of the white candle.

So remember confirmation and also it is medium level. Stock analysis 80% and 100% the one who have Rp 1 trillion again.

All the best learning... Hope we all learn many things day by day... I am William Chen for Smart trader and investors. Will I Am Chen... GBU

stock pick 25.01.10

Stock today seem not so good again as dow game over for three days, then regional not very good. And i think today still not so good, but many days dropped already and dont forget rebound theory.

Some stock to eyes for is still PGAS, ELSA, when its dropped try to accumulate. Another is like ENRG. . ENRG showed a bullish engulfing pattern which its stock as chart below.

So all the best for today first... Will I Am Chen... GBU

The power of putus asa

Some inspiration for today will be on surrender. .

Do you feel this thing? Sometimes we have tried very hard in order to achieved something, we analyzed stock day and night. We sure the stock will go up tomorrow, and it was dropped for five days already. Further we use all the analysis candle, trend, bollinger, MACD, and so on and we sure it will go up. But then the result is 'no' that indicate the stock was dropped again due to market crash that nobody expected. Or some may say unexpectedly the company do illegal things, and its performance become very poor at sudden. And surely all the effort, all the time spent, all the expectation, all the hope, all the thing we put in with a result of "USELESS'.

Or you feel this thing? We know already we loss and suddenly we let it go and say I have tried the best but it still bad and let it be bad... Then at a moment we all assumed tomorrow will be bad day, I am sure it will loss 25% "mentok bawah" or auto reject.  Then we say " I give up, surrender, putus asa, gak mungkin. But suddenly the stock goes up tremendously on tomorrow. All were unexpected and many will say nasib lah itu or lucky.

Is it lucky? I am no smoking actually ha... I think it is not about when we give up, putus asa, or whatever the word; but actually about when we surrender we give all the authority to GOD as we know when we loss hope we put aside our strength but rather we use the power of God that is better and stronger that is the reason when everything turn bad and we did not use our limited strength, we use the power of GOD.

Selamat mencoba... All the best ... Will I Am... Chen. GBU

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bullish Harami Cross

One of the candle technical to show reversal point on short term will be Bullish Harami Cross. This pattern indicate the downturn of a few days or prior drop or black candle for 3-4 days before with the last long black candle shown afterward. The long black candle follow by doji for the next day to indicate bullish harami. Although this is not highly reliable to indicate reversal, so confirmation might be needed to show it is reversal means if tomorrow white candle then it will goes up. Additionally Harami Cross indicate the lowest point of stock dropped for many days.

 This pattern showing on ELSA chart today as the stock dropped for many days and finally closed with doji in the mid of long black candle yesterday. And lets hope Bandar, Mafia, or Terroris will follow this pattern ha...

Although the theory showing this is a turning point but practically it is not meant so as technical only contribute around 80% of the truth. The 100% will be the one who hold Rp 1 trillions will buy the certain share. All the best Will I Am Chen... GBU

stock pick 22.01.10

Good day to all of us. Index might not be so good for a few days and I think for today as well, however we should always feels a good things happening on us and stock dropped will not take our happiness away. Indexs down will not make investors worry as their view is for long term and aims for dividend yield in the coming years ahead.

Stock should be aim for today are like BISI, and should eye first for PGAS and ELSA. However, some stocks should be avoided are especially in banking areas like BBCA, BBRI, and BMRI. And gorengan IKAI should be avoided.

Thought of the day:
"our happiness always taken by what we cannot achieved or our setting high aim throughout the day". So, sometimes we aim lower get higher than expected might produce a huge happiness deep within. . All the Best... Will I Am... Chen

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

stock pick 21.01.10

Stock pick for today. Ehm dunno what to recommend very dangerous just wait and see lo and try to accumulate blue chip stock when it down today. So index should be down a lot so becareful today... All the best .. Will I Am Chen

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

stock pick 20.01.10

Index yesterday shown a new high means its break its resistance and preparing to go further up. However, some caution should be pointed on IHSG has been in positive territory for many days might prone to correction. However our index still uptrend and ready to go to 2,700 in the near future. For me i think index will up a bit today.

Today stock should be avoided is ADRO, but investors should use this momentum to buy on weaknesses. First, ADRO is ready to get 25% of BHP Billiton. Secondly ADRO fundamental on profit showing approximately 4x increase and ready for higher dividend. Thirdly, recommended stock by Goldman Sach one of Warren Buffet investing company. But its showing doji star on its chart yesterday indicate a reversal point, and still uptrend no worry. Next stock is ELSA to be caution.

Wah DOID miss predicted as I was pointed out to go up 2 days ago but rather yesterday. Stock to aim PGAS technically uptrend and ready to go to 4,000 again with a news of resignation of one of its non executive director. HEXA beak out again all the time ready to go up again. Goreng2 if you dare try IKAI ha... be very careful as teroris inside ha... All the best Will I Am Chen... GBU

stovk pick 19.01.10

today be cautious on indeks.... some stock to accumulate will be adro in anticipate of becoming best coal stock in this yr... then pgas try to aim at 3600 .

Sunday, January 17, 2010

stock pick 18.01.10

Monday should be exciting day and refreshing as well as normally monday time to buy. However, due to its strong buying a couple day in the past might indicate a profit taking for this time. So becareful with mafia or terrorist saham.

Some stock to eyed for will be DOID (its candle showing reversal) and PGAS (its trendline showing support, if drop again try to accumulate slowly).

Then, shares to be cautious for are TINS, ELSA, and ADRO.

ADRO, ITMG, PGAS, apart from ELSA is fundamentally good for investment this year, and be ready for big yield of dividend in later period around mid of the year.

Technical of hole. Look at ELSA candle as there is big gap in 350 to 365. Stockchastic is good as shown oversold, its still above MA 50. So, try to accumulate when its drop much today. As the technical of this is siapa gali lubang bertanggung jawab menutupnya ha...

Motivation of the day will be survive in uncertainty and difficulty, but perish in easy and comfort. With uncertainty then we all try to find or solve the answer and learn better way.
All the best in trading. Will I Am Chen... GBU

Friday, January 15, 2010

stock pick 15.01.10

Today will be friday that is for sure. But the movement of stock is not for sure. Wah bad analisis for yesterday only ADRO seems to be ok, and TINS and ANTM not go anywhere as well. Today stock still on TRUB as there is potential to up and ELTY. And ADRO break high hopefully it will replace BUMI in the later year as most value and active in transactions. Becareful on stock like ITMG, UNTR, and ASII maybe some correction but still uptrend... Thanks God until today Indonesia still safe and everything goes well athough stock may not goes as we want but the nation safety is better than it.

ELSA wonderful as it shown a high volume today hope there is movement for it as it is not correctly valued and by the way it is still under its IPO price at Rp 400, so invest. All the best... Will I Am Chen.. GBU

Thursday, January 14, 2010

stock pick 14.01.2010

Ok continual updated again. Today I think stock should be collected are PGAS (maintain from its drop), ADRO, ENRG, and also BISI. Shares should be avoided are TINS, ANTM, and HEXA. LEts Pray for our nation that everything will be solved not by might or power but by wisdom and sincerity. Its is better peace and shares continue to go up than riot crisis anywhere .. All the best .. Will I Am Chen... GBU

Monday, January 11, 2010

stock pick 12.01.10

Sorry did not post for yesterday as it has been busy day, if there is donation then not busy anymore ha... Today try to see BBNI, COWL, DOID to buy .Then becareful means to sell on ciputra group such as CTRP, CTRS, and CTRA. Ok all the best in trading and lets pray for nation to be peaceful in many years ahead... Will I Am Chen... GBU

Friday, January 8, 2010

stock pick 8.01.10

Dalam kurun waktu 1 tahun di 2009, Indonesia berhasil mencatat pertumbuhan yang heboh dan di peringkat no 3. Mudahan kita makmur di hari-hari kemudian dan terutama pemain saham. Hari ini kok pakai bahasa Indonesia? ya kan berbangga sebagai bangsa di urutan no 3 ha... Bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa international? ya mudah2 an aj selama kemungkinan masih ada. Bahasa Indonesia aku bagus juga nyatany, buktinya, dan aslinya.

Hari ini indeks diperkirakan akan berusaha menguat walaupun dalam range yang tipis. Evaluasi prediksi semalam PGAS keok, ELSA ok2 lah, HEXA wow good high all the time, BMRI and BBRI turun banyak prediksi bagus. Secara ringkasan perdagangan semalam menyatakan bahwa saham BUMN atau sektor pemerintah yang turun banyak seperti BMRI, BBRI, TLKM, PGAS, dll. TLKM kayaknya ada perfoma diperusahaan gak gitu bagus. Prediksi hari ini pastinya ELSA akan drop hari ini karena sudah lewat cum dividend, secara technical oversold, dan secara candlestick doji reversal. Waspadai TINS dan juga DOID kalau turun banyak lagi boleh beli deh. Yang beli CPIN bertahan dari area turun akan berusaha naek lagi dan mendekati MA 50. kayaknya ini dulu deh yang laen belum dianalisa penuh.. All The Best Will I Am Chen... GBU

Thursday, January 7, 2010

stock pick 7.01.10

Index is correctly estimated yesterday, however some mistake on INCO and ELSA. Index is still will not run so high or low seem to flat or a bit correction again.

Many stocks have gone up many days will find its day to rest. Not about rest in peace but rather consolidation before its running up again. So becareful on banking such as BBCA, BMRI, BBRI. And what to focus today ELSA (wah few player need more mafia) as today is cum and after dividend surely will drop, and hope PGAS will break its high at Rp 4,100. Hexa break its highest ever Rp 3300 now Rp 3325... I mean uptrend trading... All the best Will I Am Chen... GBU

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

stock pick 6.01.10

Wah indexs up so high again, a mistake again on prediction. But not a problem as stock price is getting better. Today i think IHSG will rest a bit first but it is still uptrend may be to 2,700 on January and becareful on February. Additionally bakrie all bullish yesterday, and i think it is purposely lift up to increase the confident of traders about its right issues. So, becareful

Yesterday INDF up, JSMR up a bit, CPIN down a bit, so quite a good prediction. Stock to buy today difficult to find any, ya just try ELSA break Rp360 and dividend is one more day is good to speculate. Then, Adro break its consolidation and go up high might be an uptrend. To sell or watch out is about shares on INCO, ANTM, TINS which previously has increase tremendously, so it might rest first for a moment.

All the best in trading Will I Am Chen... GBU

Monday, January 4, 2010

Stock pick 5.01.10

Wah unanticapated make a bit mistake on movement of index it bullish rather than correction. But fortunately some correctness on Bakrie and ITMG, so not bad la ha...

Once again stock pick is about day to day transaction, today sell tomorrow is may be up. Index up, hope dowjones up high, europe high, so IHSG high lo ... That is normally people think will happen, but i think it is not as its high so many days might require a bit rest first then run again. So, what i think tomorrow hang seng will up but IHSG a bit correction or up a bit only, adjustment theory gitu lo. Hopefully correct this time ha...

Stock pick for today, becareful on CPIN bird flu coming near. Stock to buy like SGRO for invest in palm oil sector, its fundamental good, price is still cheap at around IPO level, and technical is uptrend for invest ya ha... after invest then donate (Ak Hun) wkwk... For trading try INDF, JSMR, SMGR, and ELSA hopefully break 360 then goes to 385 dividend Rp 20 on 7 jan and it will drop after dividend. All the best Will I Am Chen... GBU

stock pick 4.01.10

today just be careful as so many day indeks goes up. so might be some correction for today. watch out on bakrie stocks such as bnbr and also itmg. to buy i have no recommendation today.. just try small value stocks as bluechip drop, second liners will show up... happy trading... Will I Am Chen... Gbu

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy new year 1.01.10

Happy to all the one who have past the 2009. Many losses or sadness in 2009 should be left behind as it can not be changed. What can we do now is to focus ahead to 2010 or more. What i means is a bit on investing.

Future is not happen, so we can change at least start and find direction from today. Lets reflect and analyze our mistake in the past and try to plan in the new year. May be our mistake is buy and price drop, then sell and price goes up lets see why its happen, buy at wrong time? maybe. May be many times we trade and we lose, so investing should be ok right? we are not going to die tomorrow so focus on long term is ok if you plan for future. All is depend on individual.

Investing would be good idea if you see in better picture. Rather than see the stock as a piece of paper that can give us money, it is good to see it as a business opportunities. Buy stock with a good fundamental and give a lot of dividends, as even when its drop it still give dividend to gain. Lets us look at future and put the picture in your mind that you are the director of TLKM, PTBA, ITMG, BUMI, or even ELSA. Example what I am planning is on ELSA fundamental is good, valuation is still low, but the problem is too few players to lift the stock price. Additionally one of its director is holding only around 1000 lots of shares. And you know what i mean..Whether it is correct decision or not, I do not know and I dont know the future but i see it good and hope is good. When all uncertainties attacking only hope that we rely on.

Lets hope God will bring you to better level in 2010 and see you as a director in TLKM, BUMI, PTBA, ASII and so on... All the best.. Will I Am Chen... May it inspired you all... GBU

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The author is not responsible for such false statements to the analysis of the individual and not to encourage anyone to trade shares. All content is free and only need to join this blog to promote it. for any information in, will provide the best and so will not harm anyone.